...there was my first 'blog'
I for one am not too sure about this whole concept of 'blogging'. For a start the one feels particularly obliged to enter 'blogging' in '''s which must mean that although globally popular isn't a *real* word.
Still don't get me wrong I'm not saying that it isn't a worthwhile past time. mike-theone.joeusers.com will be your keyhole to the wondering, typing with secretary style fingers world of thoughts, opinions, rants, comments, issues and public announcements. On occation I may decide to focus although at this moment of time that wonderful natural contraption called alcohol is blurring any paticular focus that can be obtained.
The one's first topic of conversation has to be the typing issue. Although being very used to the art of the keyboard crashed finger strokes seem to hamper any proper progress that the thought process can make of the transition to the virtual world. Even experiences fingers seem to spenging too must of their time tapping on the backspace key in order to ensure that this passage of complete rubbish remains *correct*.
The one's overriding feeling is a question.... is anyone out there?. WHat is the point of this? WHy bother ensuring all the spelling is correct there isn't even an audience?. For today at least. Over and out.
('See' you tomorrow...)